Enterprise on-premises version

  • Enterprise up to 5000 extensions $60,000 annually

  • Enterprise up to 10000 extensions $85,000 annually

  • Enterprise up to 20000 extensions $145,000 annually

  • Enterprise up to 50000 extensions $195,000 annually

  • Enterprise up to 100000 extensions $245,000 annually

  • Enterprise more than 100,000 extensions contact us

Enterprise on-premises Questions


PBXDom Enterprise on-premises version is the on-premises version of PBXDom.com

PBXDom Enterprise's on-premises version includes the same great set of features as PBXDom.com but is packaged for running on your organization’s local network. All data is stored on machines that you control, and access is integrated with your organization’s authentication system (LDAP, SAML, or CAS). Use PBXDom Enterprise on-premises version when you need complete control over data and users' information.

PBXDom Enterprise on-premises version is delivered as a virtual appliance that includes all software required to get up and running. The only additional software required is a compatible virtual machine environment.

The following minimal hardware requirements are suggested for production deployments:

Processor: Two 3.0 GHz CPU cores (or virtual equivalent)

Memory: 4-16 GB (minimum dependent on selected platform)


80 GB VM root partition

100 GB data partition (our recommendation, actual size depends on your data)

Storage: High-performance SAN or locally attached storage

You can think of a virtual appliance as the equivalent of a network appliance that you might buy, mount in a rack, and plug into your network. The only difference is that it runs as a virtual machine inside of VMware or some other virtualization platform rather than as a physical device you mount in a rack.

This saves time (you can download the appliance and all updates immediately) and space (you just add it to your existing virtualization infrastructure). It also makes managing, backing up, and restoring the appliance easy because you can use your virtualization platform’s built-in snapshotting capabilities.

You can learn more about virtual appliances here.

Invoices may be paid online by credit card, or arranged by bank wire transfer, ACH, or check.


PBXDom Enterprise is licensed under a subscription model. Extensions are purchased for a one-year period which includes full support and access to all updates and upgrades.